Past Events

The opening ceremony of the "Contemporary Inner Space Perspective” project exhibition organized by TMMOB , Chamber of Interior Architects in dedication to the respectful member of the Chamber of Interior Architects Mr. Hulisi Gonenli, was held at the Mustafa Ayaz Museum in 28 March 2010. The Projects including various interior designs from different cities was exhibited in the gallery during one week.

Önder Aydın, chairman of the United Painters and Sculptors Association (BRHD), organized a trip to the Mustafa Ayaz Museum on 15 November 2010 with lots of artists and gallery managers with the purpose of increasing public interest in museums. Turkish Minister for Tourism and Culture Ertuğrul Günay and members of the press were also among the guests.

The Mustafa Ayaz Museum and Plastic Arts Center Foundation organized the 1st painting contest among high schools on 16 December 2010 with the aim of bringing art to young generations and promoting arts in the society. The exhibition opening and rewards ceremony were held at the Mustafa Ayaz Museum. Works that received prizes and that were found worthy for display were exhibited for 2 weeks at the Mustafa Ayaz Art Gallery.

The Mustafa Ayaz Museum and Plastic Arts Center Foundation organized the "1st Youth Painting Competition" on 12 November 2011 to support young artist candidates, encourage them to express themselves through art, and promote the creation of new art pieces for Contemporary Turkish Arts. Faculties and schools of fine arts in Ankara participated in the competition, with 107 entries from 74 candidates. At the end of the evaluations, 29 paintings were found worthy of being displayed. Of these 29 paintings, 2 were awarded the special accomplishment prize and 5 with honorable mention.

The Plastic Arts Museum of Mustafa Ayaz Foundation which painter Mustafa Ayaz has presented capital Ankara with, was inaugurated on November 5, 2009 by Minister of Culture and Tourism Ertuğrul Günay and Minister of State Faruk Nafiz Özak. The inauguration -attended by many ambassadors, presidents of universities, foreign missions, art fans and the media,- was followed by a dance performance and a cello recital. Minister Günay addressed painter Ayaz as his “older brother” and expressed his "sincere gratitude and thanks" for the art center which he had built. 

Minister Günay emphasized this rarely encountered deed and continued to say, "Ayaz makes us a present of his labor. What befalls to us from now on, is to be able assist him. May the Center bestow blessings upon Ankara and Turkey." Ministers Günay and Özak and painter Mustafa Ayaz proceeded to cut the inaugural ribbon and they, together with guests, visited the various stories of the Museum. 

The "Occupational Service" Award Ceremony organized by Ankara Rotary Club was held on December 9, 2009 at the Plastic Arts Museum of Mustafa Ayaz Foundation. The "Occupational Service" Award was presented to maestro Mustafa Ayaz in a ceremony attended by the President and members of Ankara Rotary Club and their spouses. Mr. Mustafa Ayaz delivered a talk during the ceremony and later accompanied the guests as they visited the Museum.